ESG, Net Zero and Circular Economy Services
Improve your Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and sustainability risk management.

Sustainability Consulting
What impact is sustainability having on your organisation? Carbonbit has an international team of sustainability consultants to determine this impact and help plan and deliver your net zero, ESG and circular economy journeys. Our sustainability plans are always designed to fit your specific organisational needs, in the context of the sector in which you operate. We will help assess your gaps and develop disclosure, mitigation and adaptation interventions to fill them.
Net Zero | Circular Economy | Sustainability Strategy | Carbon Credits | Carbon Accounting | Corporate ESG Reporting
Best Practice
Sustainability risk is now the No. 1 corporate risk for many organisations. Root your sustainability credentials in the implementation of best practice processes and initiatives. Carbonbit will perform a gap analysis and help prioritise and implement only those initiatives which add real sustainability value to your organisation whilst also helping to mitigate your sustainability risk and identify opportunities to drive long-term value.
TCFD | SBTi | CDP | Sustainable Buildings | ISO50001 | Ethical Auditing | Training

Sustainability related legislation is constantly changing and the risks of non-compliance are high. Keeping up to date can also be a costly and time-consuming burden on organisations. Our Compliance Team deliver efficient, timely and cost-effective solutions to support your internal operations. It means your organisation can operate, confident in the knowledge that compliance risk is being appropriately managed.
Legal Registers | SECR | ESOS | EIAs | DECs | MEES | EPCs | TM44s | Thermographic Surveys | Air Tightness Testing | TR19s
Carbonbit’s Projects Team works across a full range of energy efficiency, renewable energy and water efficiency projects, providing objective, specialist support for your sustainability project needs. We help every step of the way, from design through to installation and commissioning. Our projects are professionally managed and installed to the highest standard, in line with our Safe Contractor and QHSE accreditations.

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Latest news
Lissa’s Friday Blog: What are carbon offsets and how do they work?
Did you know, the world emits about 50 billion tons of CO2 a year, representing total carbon emissions from all human activities, including agriculture and land use. A carbon offset refers to a reduction in GHG emissions OR an increase in carbon storage (such as...
Lissa’s Friday blog: What is Deforestation?
Did you know 36 football fields worth of trees are cut down every minute! The world has lost about 10% of its tropical tree cover since 2000, and nearly 47,000 square miles were destroyed in 2019 alone! Worse still, deforestation accounts for nearly 20% of greenhouse...
Go Green for 2022! Can’t think of a New Year’s Resolution? Here is one for you… Go Green for 2022! It is important we all ACT NOW to keep global temperatures below 1.5°C and reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 before we start to witness the detrimental effects of...